From an unnamed production office for an undisclosed television show in an address-withheld building in LA where the elevators are shockingly slow...
Today at work, the birthday fun continues. We finished the last of the birthday beer, and this picture is of my bottom desk drawer where we chose to store some of the empty cans rather than putting them in the recycling out in the open. And yet, the recycling will always be out in the open, so I'm not sure exactly what the end game is here as far as not leaving me with a desk full of empties until I somehow miraculously no longer work at this office. Maybe we'll rent an incinerator. There have been worse ideas. And if my boss falls in after the beer cans just because I push her, then so be it. All in the name of party clean up.
There is also a small bottle of Milagro tequila on the erstwhile-birthday-boy's desk that we all look at and joke about drinking all day except that none of us really does because it's probably more fun to joke about/role play what might happen if you pounded tequila at work than it actually would be to pound tequila at work.
There is also still ice cream cake in the freezer, and 2 bite cupcakes in my office that I have done my damnedest to make last for three bites. It fills the time.
June 30, 2010
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